Hand Film Blown Pre-Stretched 16" x 1500' 40 Gauge 4 rolls/case
ecoSUPREME are Sigma Stretch Film’s newest, premium grade stretch films made with special orientation that produces stronger film at thinner gauges. Core extensions and ultra-light weight rolls make ecoSupreme easy to handle and reduce wrapper fatigue. Engineered to outperform all competitive hand films and regardless of gauge, ecoSUPREME has reinforced edges to provide unrivaled load-holding force and tear resistance. ecoSUPREME’s aggressive cling package is strong enough for B and many C loads. Low case prices and on-the-load cost make ecoSUPREME eco-nomical. And, using less film per load makes ecoSUPREME — eco-friendly!
- Cold Environments
- Grocery
- Warehouses Internal Wrapping
- Boxed Products
- Food Processors
- All Load Profiles
Product Number: HPE1615ECO
Film Width: 400mm
Roll Length: 450 m
Gauge: 40
Packaged: 4 Rolls/Case; 48 Cases/Skid
Case Weight: 14.5 lbs
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